Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wink and Grow Rich

  1. Think it, ink it, do it, review it
  2. Choose the level you want to PLAY at.
  3. what you SEE is what you GET
  4. Ask and you shall receive
  5. learning is a GAME
  6. Invest more of your time, spend less of it
  7. Invest more of your money, spend less of it
  8. Your well is your WORDS
  9. Wealth is the beginning, not the end
  10. Sow, nurture & reap
  11. Your PASSION is your COMPASS
  12. To know and not to do is not yet to know
  13. value is the river in which wealth flows
  14. Become an inspired work-in-progress
  15. Plan to fail
  16. see the wood from the trees
  17. opportunities lie in every moment
  18. the key to leverage is how you use it
  19. Sustainable wealth follows a rhythm
  20. TIME is your most precious asset
  21. HARMONY is the foundation of wealth
  22. TIME has seasons
  23. It is not just what you do, it's when you do it.
  24. When you resonate, you accumulate
  25. you settle for your standards
  26. a Five Star life is easier than a three star live
  27. If learning is a game, your environment is your playground. Don't settle for less.
  28. You are the result of your CHOICES
  29. Water always finds its level.

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