A deep-V rebound is found when looking into latest (17Aug07 Friday) intra-day chart of HSI, with high-low difference of 1374 points (from 20,761.31 to 19,386.72).
Complaints were heard that it was just like riding on Roller Coaster: feeling like a disaster & fear when it fell over 1200 points at 2:45pm; and feeling surprise & confident when it rebounded over 1000 points at 4:00pm.
This reminded me on Buffett's view of "Mr Market". Personally, I think acting unlike Mr Market is not easy, but it worth to train up the FQ, EQ, risk management as well as valuation technique in order not to be affected by the short term market movement.
Some value investors suggest to buy on the current bargain price, while some others suggest to cut-lose and re-balance. I don't know which one is better, but a sound and long-term risk management & allocation strategy should be in place.
Friends, good luck and enjoy the machine game in the exciting stock market theme park =)